Friday, April 1, 2016

To be successful...

Affirmations, also called self-talk, personal reminders or self-suggestions, are absolutely essential in building positive attitudes and confidence in our own capabilities. A positive affirmation must contain the following key ingredients:
  • Positive words and phrases
  • In the first person and the present tense (“I am …”)
  • Is specific about what you want to be (to have, to do, etc.)
To be successful an example of a positive affirmation is “I am a positive, optimistic thinker” or “I am the top salesman”.
You can start harnessing the transformative powers of positive affirmations by applying the following guidelines:

  • Replace the Negative with the Positive
To be successful the very environment that we live in tends to drag us down with its constant negativity. But the moment that you start using positive affirmations, you can choose to banish negativity and start adopting the positive attitudes which will propel you towards success. Using affirmations is critical in developing the self-motivation that can make our goals and dreams into realities

  • Modify your Thinking
Your mind believes what you tell it. Reprogram your subconscious mind by using positive affirmations and watch your conscious mind transform it into positive action. You essentially become the person you have affirmed yourself to be.

  • Personalize Your Own Affirmations
First you need to think about what you want to achieve. Be specific about what you want to be, to do, to have and so on and so forth. Then, with your answer in mind, create your own affirmation in the first person and present tense. This creates concrete, tangible goals which give you a direction in which to work towards.

  • Repeat, Repeat and Repeat
In order for your affirmations to be effective, you must repeat them to yourself daily with attention, conviction, interest and desire. Writing them down on post-its which can be placed in places where you can frequently see them (fridge, bathroom mirror, etc.) is also a good way to remind yourself of them.

How Positive Affirmations Help Manage Stress

Positive affirmations are a great tool to rewire you subconscious mind from a state of negative thinking to positive.To be successful basic concept is to create positive statements based on situations or outcomes which you would like to see manifested, and repeat them often enough so that they become part of your way of thinking and seeing your world.
To come up with your own positive affirmations, use the following guidelines:
  • Visualise your intentions: List down all that you are trying to create in your life – the outcome, the behaviours, attitudes and traits you would like to see yourself develop in order to get there.
  • Create your statements: Once you can visualize what you are aiming for, try to put that idea into simple statements that reflect the reality that you want to create. Use the present tense to create statements such that they seem already true, and not as if you would like them to be true.
  • Use the positive: When creating positive affirmations, make sure that they say things they you want to see and experience, and not what you don’t want to see and experience. Use positive words and phrases, for example, instead of saying “I don’t want to feel stress”, say “I’m feeling peace”. Using the negative words “don’t” or even “stress” could cause your brain to register the negative, rather than the positive intentions behind your affirmations.
Once you’ve created your own personal positive affirmations, find ways to introduce them into your daily life.
  • Repetition. Set aside a special quiet time of the day to repeat your affirmations to yourself. Do this with clear intent, faith and belief. Rather than repeat them mentally or out loud, another alternative would be to make a recording of yourself repeating these affirmations and listening to them while you drive to work or do laundry.
  • Write them down. A good way to remind you of your personal affirmations is to write them on posits that you place around the house in places where you’re likely to see them (fridge, bathroom mirror, etc.)
 Improving Life through Positive Words

Words and statements have to power to build or destroy. But it is how you use them that gives them the capacity to do well or do harm. One example of this is through the use of affirmations, statements which describe a desired condition or outcome, and which are repeated often. The repetition of affirmations automatically and involuntarily bring up related mental images in the mind, which then influence the subconscious mind and transforms our behavior, habits and actions accordingly.
The use of positive affirmations can motivate us, keeping your mind focused on the goal that you are trying to achieve. By influencing our subconscious mind, they have the power to change the way you think and behave. Also, being positive statements, they can make you more energetic and active, thereby putting you in a better position to transform your inner and outer worlds.
In order for your affirmations to be most effective, they should be self-developed and written in the present tense, i.e. “I am” not “I will be”.To be successful affirm with love, faith and conscious intent and believe that your desire has already been fulfilled. Some examples of affirmations are as follows: 
  • It is easy and simple to achieve success.
  • Success loves me and always seeks me.
  • All the systems of my body are functioning perfectly.
  • My body is infused with the energy of health.
  • I am letting happiness manifest in my life.
  • I deserve to be happy right now.
Set aside a special time during the day for repeating them to yourself. Write them down or repeat them in your mind wherever you are and whenever you have the time. It is natural for negativity to cloud your mind, especially if your current environment is unfavorable, but persevere, and you will be able to conquer your negative thoughts and doubts.

Positive Affirmations for Positive Change

To be successful developing a positive mind-set is one of the most powerful strategies to turn your life around. Positive affirmations can help develop a powerful and positive attitude to life, which are essential elements in living a successful and healthy life.
Positive affirmations are essentially positive thoughts or statements about some outcome that you wish to see manifest in your life. The daily repetition of these affirmations have the power to impress the subconscious mind and trigger it into positive action, thereby transforming your habits, behavior, mental attitudes and reactions.
The very first thing you need to look at before creating your own personalized affirmations is to visualize your goal. Be specific and be sure to put in all the details - the outcome, the behaviors, attitudes and traits you would like to see yourself develop in order to get there. Visualization is key – if you want a new car, put a picture of the car you want in a place you’ll see frequently during the day.
Make sure to only use positive words and phrases when creating your personal affirmations, for example if trying to lose weight, don’t use the phrases “I need to lose weight” or “I look fat”; instead say “I am slim”. Also, use the present tense because by doing so, you say things as if they are already true, and not as if you would like them to be true.
The septic in you could ask: can affirmations really make a difference in my life? Listen to what your inner voice is telling yourself day after day. Is it the voice of Mr. Negative or Mr. Positive? Few people are as optimistic or positive as they should be. If Mr. Negative is more dominant than Mr. Positive, positive affirmations could be the way to reprogram your thinking and vanquish the negative patterns that have been holding you back from the success you hope to achieve.

The Power of Positive Affirmations

Everyone has that little voice within themselves that constantly tells them when they can or cannot do something. Most often, that little voice is giving you a million and one reasons why you can’t, which only adds to our self-doubt.
Positive affirmations are positive thoughts or words that describe a desired situation or outcome, such as success. These have to be repeated over and over again in order to trigger the subconscious mind into positive action.
Most people spend far too much time repeating negative words and statements in their mind, whether consciously or subconsciously. Keep telling yourself that you can’t do something, that you are too lazy, or that you are stupid and don’t be surprised if you never succeed at anything. Words and statements work both ways, to build or destroy. But their capacity to cause harm or good is up to us.
The repetition of positive affirmations help focus your mind on your aim, automatically building corresponding mental images in the conscious mind, when then affects the subconscious mind. By using this process consciously and intently, you harness the power of your subconscious mind to transform your habits, behavior, mental attitude and reactions.
The most effective affirmations are those that are composed by yourself. But in order to be truly effective, you must believe whole-heartedly in your own affirmations. It is best to state your positive daily affirmations in the present tense, for example, “I am...,” rather than “I will be....” Also, choose words which will evoke positive mental images, describing what you really want. If you desire to lose weight, tell yourself “I am getting slim” rather than “I am not fat”.

The transformative powers of positive affirmations are very real. By repeatedly stating what you want to be true in your life, you mentally and emotionally see and feel it as true, thereby attracting it into your life.

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